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Center for the Arts in Southern New Jersey. Center for the Arts in Southern New Jersey. The center is located on the Indian Springs Golf course at 123 South Elmwood Road in Marlton, NJ. Classes are offered in many art media for all ages. Art shows are open to the public at no charge. Check out the benefits of membership. 10 AM to 3 PM Monday through Friday. 7 PM to 9 PM Wednesday. Our next exhibit is April 6 - April 27. May 4 - 26, 2015.
860 Englewood Avenue, Kenmore, NY 14223. Give your family the precious gift of a financial safety net in the case of an untimely accident with life insurance. in Kenmore, New York.
Welcome to the new and hopefull improved Coastal Futbol Association website. All things related to the CFA will be posted here. Information about upcoming seasons and tournaments held by the CFA as well as other adult soccer information.
Našim poslaním je zvyšovať kvalitu života jedincov s CF. Aktivizovať spravodlivé dodržiavanie základných pravidiel starostlivosti a liečby jedincov s CF v súlade s medzinárodne uznávanými postupmi. Poskytovať konzultačné a poradenské služby. Organizovať a podporovať semináre, workshopy, kurzy,konferencie, kongresy, prednášky a vzdelávacie akcie. Podporovať regionálnu, národnú a medzinárodnú výmenuskúseností medzi odborníkmi a dobrovoľníkmi.